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Friday, September 19, 2014

surat untuk awak


Buat awak yang jauh disana, semoga awak sihat hendaknya.

Semalam saya ternampak awak main lari lari nak naik tangga. Sambil bergelak ketawa. Amboi. Bahagia betul awak naik tangga ye? 

Dah lama saya tak nampak awak. Apatah lagi senyuman awak. Bila saya ternampak semalam, saya terasa bagai disyurga. Amboi. Indah betul senyuman awak ni. Sehinggakan saya terupdate dekat twitter dan menyebabkan kekeliruan dimata si tahi twitter.


Sudilah kiranya awak tahu bahawasanya saya tengah crush dekat awak sejak kita sama sama dizaman muda remaja lagi. Dan tahukah awak, orang kata kalau crush lebih tiga bulan itu tandanya sudah jatuh cinta? Akan tetapi... saya cuma crush ke awak bila saya nampak awak je. Bila saya tak nampak saya terlupa pasal awak. Mungkin daya tarikan magnet awak masih belum kuat dalam ingatan saya. Cilaka juga rasanya bila menulis surat maya ni ye awak. Tapi demi awak, saya gagahkan.


Saya harap nanti awak pandang lah saya. Walapun memang selalu saya lalu sebelah awak kita berbalas senyum, tapi saya harap awak pandang lah ye? Awak jangan nak pertikaikan tunggang langgangnya ayat saya pula, saya saje tak nak tunjuk power. Takut nanti awak terkejut pula. 

Apa-apa pun, saya harap awak sentiasa menghiasi bibir awak dengan senyuman untuk saya. Banyak pula harapan saya ni. Tapi saya peduli apa. Lagipun ini surat saya. Sukahati saya la nak tulis apa, ye dak?

Lastly, i hope i can see your smile until when when.

Pecah kaca pecah gelas, saya tahu awak memang takkan baca jadi saya faham la kalau awak tak balas.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014



When you've been fighting for it all your life
You've been struggling to make things right
That’s how a superhero learns to fly
Every day, every hour
Turn the pain into power

When you've been fighting for it all your life
You've been working every day and night
That’s how a superhero learns to fly
Every day, every hour
Turn the pain into power

Every difficulties, that you've been through, will make you stronger. Much stronger than before.

All the hurt, all the lies
All the tears that they cry
When the moment is just right
You see fire in their eyes
'Cause he’s stronger than you know
A heart of steel starts to grow

Things that hurts you, that force you to give up, that brings you down on your knees, crying desperately for a way out, if you can survive it well, nothing else can put you down after. Even come hell or high water, you'll survive no matter what.

She's got lions in her heart
A fire in her soul
He's a got a beast in his belly
That's so hard to control
'Cause they've taken too much hits
Taking blow by blow
Now light a match, stand back, watch them explode

Because things that won't kills you, will make you stronger. And people who keep on push you to the ground, you'll make them as a stepping stone to fly high.


Lyrics from Superheroes by The Script. 


This song somehow reminds me all the difficulties that people has put you through is only to make you a better person in the future. 
You have an option on how to settle up your obstacles in life whether you want to run from it or face it. 
And the choice you'll make will definitely define your very own future.

Calamity will come untill you stop breathing. But how you face it, will absolutely make a different story.

-- i just take a few parts from the lyrics and make my very own interpretation based on it. From my very own views. From how i feel when it comes out on my playlist. Lulz