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Friday, December 7, 2012

ruang realiti


manusia ni banyak ragam. ada yg begitu. ada yg begini.
kita pun bukan 'diwajibkan' ikut semua perintah-hukum-mandatori-ciptaan-sendiri diorang tu. 
mana nak ikut, ikut. mana yg tak tahan, tinggal.

life is too short to be what people want you to be.
and life is too short to suffered when you have another choice : to be happy.

if you have tons of things that can make you smile, why bother with a single thing that force you to cry?

--> setiap orang ada ruang realiti masing-masing. 
--> and it's all up to you whether you wanna change it, or stay. :)


محمد رازيق said...

hehe. ragam manusia. apapun biar kita menjadi diri kita.

kasut puteh said...

true. jd diri sndiri je senang. tak payah bukak pkai topeng :)